22-02-10 i-MATH Short course on Numerical Simulation in Electromagnetism and Industrial Applications
February 22nd - 25th 2010
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
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Booked rooms in University Residence Halls

The organization has booked 11 rooms, from February 22nd to February 25th, in the university halls. The price for the individual room is 25€+IVA (7%) and the double room 42€+IVA (7%). 

In order to get those prices (even though you pay for the room yourself), please contact with Elisa Eiroa to do the booking before Wednesday 17th February:

- by phone: (34) 981 547136
- by fax: (34) 981 597054
- by email: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra los robots de spam, necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla

Hotels in Santiago de Compostela

Here you can find a list with some hotels in Santiago as well as a map of their location. The arrangements with hotels must be directly made by participants.



Location Map

See a larger map