Workshop on Numerical Electromagnetics and Industrial Applications (NELIA 2011)

October 25 - 28, 2011
Faculty of Mathematics
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Presentation Organizers Workshop Structure Programme Registration
Location Acommodation Special Issue Sponsors Contact

Download our poster

Workshop Structure

The workshop will consist of a series of invited talks and contributed presentations in poster format. Participation to the workshop is opened to researchers, students, industry professionals and anyone interested in the subject of modelling and numerical simulation of electromagnetic problems. In particular, we would like to encourage young researchers to attend and for that purpose we suggest a session of contributed presentations in poster format and offer 5 accommodation scholarships. 


Important Dates:

  • Abstract submission deadline for invited speakers and poster session: September 30, 2011.
  • Poster authors notification deadline: October 3,  2011.

Posters authors should send the following information in pdf format to Elisa Eiroa:

  • Author information: name, affiliation, address, telephone and email.
  • Title of the poster.
  • Abstract of the poster.

Here you can download the abstract LaTeX file sample and the PDF file sample . For non-LaTeX users, a Word file sample is also available.