Workshop on Numerical Simulation of Building Fires
December 2, 2010
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
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09.45 Opening


Chairman: Prof. Juan Viaño Rey. Department of Applied Mathematics, USC.

10.00 Membrane Action of Floor Slabs under Fire Conditions.

Prof. Colin Bailey. Structures and Fire Expert Group, University of Manchester.

10.45 Fire safety analysis based on validated numerical simulations.

D. Fernando Morente. Department of Fire Safety Engineering, Labein - Tecnalia.

11.30 Coffee break


Chairman: Prof. José Durany Castrillo. Department of Applied Mathematics, UVigo.

12.00  Fire resitance of wood structures according to the Technical Building Code.

Dª. Azahara Soilán Cañás. Department of Construction, CIS Madeira.

12.45 Approach of pyrolysis modelling for fire behaviour analysis of materials.

D. Eduardo Puente González. Thermal Analysis Laboratory, GIDAI - Fire Safety Research and Technology. University of Cantabria.

13.30 Lunch time


Chairman: Prof. Alfredo Bermúdez de Castro López-Varela. Department of Applied Mathematics, USC.

15.30 Partially encased steel elements under fire conditions.

Dr. Paulo Piloto. Department of Applied Mechanics, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança.

16.15 Coupled chemo-hydro-thermo-mechanical modelling of concrete structures in fire with mechanics of multiphase porous media.

Dr. Dariusz Gawin. Department of Building Physics and Building Materials, Technical University of Łódź.

17.00 Closing