Registration Form in 2012 Study Groups on Mathematics for Industry and Institutions.

*mandatory fields

First Name*

Last Name*

Affiliation *

E-Mail address*


Member of i-MATH Project? Yes    No
Principal Researcher
Do you apply for a scholarship?(only students) Yes

Please, attach a pdf file including:
-Personal data and CV
-Letter from your Principal Researcher


I hereby grant permission to storage my personal information. *

I hereby grant permission to publish in the attendance list data contained in the first three fields.

I want to receive more information about activities of CESGA Node.

In compliance with Spanish Law 15/1999 of 13th December, on Personal Data Protection, we state that, when filling out a web form from this site, your personal information will be stored in a computer file, under the name of "ACTIVIDADES PROYECTO MATHEMATICA" duly registered, property of Fundación CESGA. By sending this form, you authorize us to use your personal data exclusively for the requested purpose (attendance or collaboration in i-MATH Project activities). Likewise, we communicate the possibility to exercise the right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the personal data by writing to us at Fundación CESGA, Avenida de Vigo, s/n Campus Sur, 15705 Santiago de Compostela (Spain). When appropriate, personal data provided may be transferred to third parties whose participation is necessary and convenient for the purposes before mentioned. The present consent is granted without prejudice to all the rights which assist you in the terms established in Law 15/1999 on Personal Data Protection.