January 23th to 25th, 2012 Study Groups on Mathematics for Industry and Institutions.
January 23th to 25th, 2012
Faculty of Mathematics.
University of Santiago de Compostela.

> Study groups aims
> Scientific committe
> Organizing committee
> Structure
> Companies

> Problems
> Support for students and researchs
> Registration
> Location
> Aditional information


The Study Groups on Mathematics for Companies and Institutions. i-MATH 2008 - 2011, are the Galician leading workshop for interaction between mathematicians and industrial representatives working within different economic sectors, The workshop will contribute to enhance the transfer of mathematical knowledge to industry. The main objectives are:

  • To promote of Industrial Mathematics, looking actively for new research and development projects, in which mathematics is playings an important role.
  • To enhance collaborative of R&D between i-MATH research groups and companies, solving problems that can be treated with mathematical, statistical or computational techniques.
  • To unpdate the i-MATH Map for Mathematical Technology Demand.

  • Alfredo Bermúdez de Castro López - Varela. Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Santiago de Compostela.

  • Jose Durany Castrillo. Department of Applied Mathematics II, University of Vigo.

  • Peregrina Quintela Estévez. Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Santiago de Compostela..

  • Ana Belén Fernández Gómez. Technology Translator, math-in.

  • With support from the Technical Office CESGA Node.

These Study Groups on Mathematics for Companies and Institutions. i-MATH 2008 - 2011 follow the style of the European Study Groups with Industry (see http://www.maths-in-industry.org/).  These are workshops where mathematicians work on problems that have been suggested by either industries or technology researchs. The problems to be studies are presented by companies on the first session. Afterwards mathematicians attending the workshop start working in groups, in brainstorming sessions of mathematical techniques. Finally, at the end of the event workgroups present their conclusions

This edition will be held on January 23th, to 25th, 2012 in Santiago de Compostela and its structure is as follows:

  • Presentation of problems by companies attending the workshop.
  • Distribution in work groups.
  • Problem solving by  work groups.
  • Development of a brief document outlining general information: previous bibliography, difficulties and barriers, …
  • Conclusions and development of a final document.


The problems raised by the companies taking part in the Study Groups can be found at the following links:


Each problems to be studied is granted a financial assistance for travel and accommodation  to promote the participation and attendance to the study groups.

Registration is free and will be made before 20/01 in the following form (closed registration)

Location: Graduate Hall School of Mathematics, University of Santiago de Compostela

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For further information, please contact:


Ana Belén Fernández Gómez

Gestora de Valorización del proyecto i-MATH

Facultad de Matemáticas. USC

15782, Campus Vida

Santiago de Compostela

Tlf.: (+34) 881 813 198

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Mª Jesús Frieiro Romero

Técnico de Consulting - Computing - Nodo CESGA

Facultad de Matemáticas. USC

15782, Campus Vida

Santiago de Compostela

Tel:  (+34) 881 813 357

e-mail: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra los robots de spam, necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla